Hang on, mama. By Alyson Premo.

Hang on, mama.

It gets easier, and then it gets okay, and then you'll wonder why you didn't start sooner, and then alcohol becomes irrelevant in your life, and then it feels like absolute freedom.

This process of unlearning beliefs and habits you've relied on for so long is just that A PROCESS. There is no quick fix.

I want you to trust me and the millions of others out there that, yes, it is not easy at the beginning. It is HARD.

Some days you may feel like there's no point in being alcohol-free.

Some days you just want the easy way out.

Some days you may wonder how some random person on social media makes it look so damn easy when you're barely surviving one day to the next.

Some days you're so damn angry at yourself for letting alcohol consume you to this level.

But those days don't last forever.

The more you keep pushing through the hard days.

The more you keep disrupting the pattern by introducing other healthier alternatives to coping when the kids are driving you crazy.

The more you keep reminding yourself of why you're doing this in the first place.

The more you accept that life is full of good AND bad days.

The more you show yourself that the answers to a bad day don't lie at the bottom of a bottle.

The easier it gets. Then you start to slowly but surely see the rewards of not drinking creep in.

Then one day, you'll be in the middle of a rough day with the kids, and your mind doesn't go to alcohol to take the edge off. That's when you'll know that you've achieved the level of freedom that all of us who made it to the other side are talking about.

I always say the day my thoughts didn't go to alcohol to get rid of my anxiety was when I knew all my hard work was paying off. You'll get there too. I promise.

To get to this level of freedom, some of us need extra 1:1 support, which is exactly why I created Bye, Bye Booze...Hello Freedom! my (@sobermomcoach) 30 Day 1:1 Coaching Program! 30 days of accountability, a listening ear, and someone who understands what you're going through. Sometimes that's all we need to get to the other side.

I only have TWO spots open for this month, so please message me to see if this would be a good fit for you!