Every time I chose alcohol. By Alyson Premo.

Every time I chose alcohol, I simultaneously rejected something else. Most of the time that was being present with my child. 

That's a punch in the gut statement, huh? But it's true. Every time you choose alcohol, you are rejecting something else. And for most of us mothers, that tends to be the time we spend with our kids. 

🀚🏻 We can't deal with their tantrums, so we choose alcohol to soothe ourselves.

🀚🏻 We can't deal with the overwhelm, so we choose alcohol to escape.

🀚🏻 We can't deal with having to do it all, so we choose alcohol and do nothing. 

You made a choice, and you chose alcohol. But alcohol isn't the best option for the stresses of motherhood. We've been conditioned to believe it is, but it is the worst option that you could possibly choose. Why? Because you become more anxious, more depressed, and it doesn't help the actual issue. 

You're just setting yourself up for a vicious cycle that one day you won't have a choice over anymore. Addiction takes away that choice, and all you care about is your next drink because you depend on it for your survival. 

Every time I chose alcohol to escape, I rejected being present with my son. And those are the moments I can never get back, which is why I'm so passionate about the work that I do and being so vocal about mommy wine culture. You can never get those moments back that you chose alcohol over your kids, so the next time you want to take a drink, think of them. 

They deserve a mother who isn't more concerned about when her next glass of wine will be than them. I know you know that, or you wouldn't be on this page, so pat yourself on the back for even being here. That takes courage.

If spinning your wheels with all the free resources, no accountability, and no support hasn't worked for you, then the Confidently Be Alcohol-Free - 60 Day Challenge is for YOU!

60 days of daily content and audio lessons

60 days of support

60 days of knowing you aren't alone on this journey

60 days of a commitment to yourself and your kids

60 days of growth

You ready, or are you going to keep watching from the sideline, wishing and hoping that you'll be able to stop on your own?

And now there's no excuse to join since I JUST added a weekly payment plan option for those that requested it.

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