Drinking alcohol is an easy way to cope until it isn't anymore. By Alyson Premo.

Drinking alcohol is an easy way to cope until it isn't anymore.

Yes, when we want a quick fix, alcohol seems to be the answer because it’s easy. We can just grab a glass of wine or a beer from the fridge, and from the moment it hits our lips, we already feel the sense of relief without it even in our bloodstream yet.

Have to make dinner with screaming children in the background? Grab a glass of wine.

Been with the kids all day and helping them with distance learning? Grab a glass of wine.

I know that we've all done this at one point or another and fed into the lies that Big Alcohol wants to sell us on, but turning to alcohol to cope just because it's the easy way doesn't make it the right way.

It’s easy because you let it become a habit, so of course, your brain is going to automatically go to wine to relieve whatever you’re trying to escape from. But the deeper you get into that cycle, the harder it is to get out, just like any other habit. When you’ve had an ingrained habit for a decade or more, of course, doing something else isn’t going to be the easy way out.

But the easy way out will ultimately lead you to regret, mom guilt, and not feeling good physically or emotionally or, like in my case, detox. That was not easy at all. I would have ten more babies rather than experience the withdrawals in detox again. I know that journaling, going for a walk, reaching out to a support community, meditating, and other healthy coping mechanisms aren't glitzy and don't provide you that instant sense of relief like alcohol does, but isn't that the point? We don't grow by taking the easy way out, and we certainly don't feel better about ourselves.

Is it time to stop taking the easy way out? The 60 Day Alcohol-Free Challenge starts TOMORROW!! This is the last challenge at the current price point, so if you've been on the fence, I would highly prioritize this on your list of investments. Yes, I know it's an investment, but it's one that can turn your whole life around for the better. And if you can spend money on alcohol, you can certainly spend money on your healing— message me with any questions.