Alcohol isn't a necessary part of life.
We've just been duped into thinking it is.
We've been conditioned to believe that alcohol is the way adults get through life, and if you don't drink, you have a problem. Or that if you don't consume alcohol, that also means you're deprived of having fun are ridiculous.
Excuse my language, but f*ck those beliefs!
Who even started these beliefs? I'll tell you who our parents, our friends, our coworkers, the media, and society as a whole.
Alcohol isn't necessary to get through life. In fact, if you NEED alcohol to get through life, that's your first red flag that something may be a little off.
Stop following the crowd and educate yourself on alcohol. You'll be surprised at what you find, and it'll be an eye-opener that you've been duped for far too long.
It's time to take your power back and stop these beliefs from being passed down to your kids. Be the change-maker!
⚡️ Are you ready to be the change-maker for your family?
📚 Have you been listening to all the podcasts, joining all the free groups, reading all the quit lit, and still having trouble getting alcohol out of your life?
You're not alone.
Many believe that if we get all the resources and read all the books, we will change. And to some degree, that's true, but most of why we don't talk about our struggles with alcohol with others is because we're ashamed, and we feel that no one else will understand. I'm sure some of you have heard "your secrets keep you sick," and it's the damn truth. Talking about it dissolves the shame, and this is only one part of what we work on in coaching.
💥 I have ONE spot open for my 90 Day 1:1 Coaching Program. THIS is where we do the inner work so that alcohol becomes irrelevant. The truth is it's not about the alcohol. It's about why you're drinking in the first place. Until you get curious and work through that, you'll be going back to alcohol time and time again.
Apply by clicking here.